机器人 发表于 2012-5-25 12:05:01


本帖最后由 机器人 于 2012-5-25 21:32 编辑

Alright so over the past couple of weeks i have been playing Joymax's re - release as it were, of Silkroad.Some changes that were made by Joymax to Silkroad-R are as follows (最近几周玩了丝路R,JOYMAX对游戏做了如下修改:

Increase in Sp and less experience need to level up (提高技能点的获取并减少升级所需的经验)
Party Exp Improved (提升组队经验加成)

Changes in Chinese Mastery and damage for Euro Characters

NO Gold Drops Below Level 70 !! (70及以下的怪物不在掉落金钱)
Increase in Quest EXP and SP for players below level 70 (增加70及以下的任务获得的经验和技能点数)
Note:::I haven't yet reached level 70 but i am a more casual player so this is my opinion and view of what its like for new players 1 - 40.

For the first 70 levels players can go to the beginners help NPC's in each town .(70以下的玩家可以找所有城市中从游戏引导人,在各个等级这些新手向导将会奖励玩家所使用的武器和装备 These NPC's will reward players with weapons and armor (SOS Grade) with each significant level eg. Level 1 , Level 8 , Level 16 ect. ect. This in my opinion is the funnest change in the game since it makes it so much easier to kill things faster and efficiently and also players are rewarded with Tokens instead of money.(这是一个不错的改变,让新手更好更快的升级) These tokens can be used to purchase better weapons and armor ( SOM and SOSun grade) which further helps with the tedious killing of endless monsters. Also these tokens can be used to purchase other handy things like horses theif & hunter outfits and more. Taking the gold drops away imo was a nice change made because at present there are no gold spamming bots in the towns and so far the game does have quite a few legit players ( nice to see ).

Quest EXP/SP wise the improvements are pretty darn good ^_^. while the quests are still as boring as ever with the Kill 300 of this and 340 of that, the Exp provided from them is worth the trouble in some cases. I personally found for about the first 10 levels it was easier to go out and just kill things for a faster level however after getting past 30 these quests are extremely helpful giving over half a level ( sometimes more ) of exp and while killing the quests monsters most of the time brings a character to about 50 - 60 % before handing the quest in for the reward.

The thing i found to be annoying to begin with is the new skill system. Pretty much one can choose to learn a weapon and either force ( Fire Ice or Lightning) which will be leveled up all together as one or learn Force ( Healing ). Its not as easy to have a combo of healing and use fire or ice like in Silkroad. But i guess thats what the Euro Cleric class is for now

Anyway so is Silkroad Worth it ?

There are some changes to the game but nothing that will significantly make it more enjoyable or funner. later on the grind is a bit easier but just as boring as the old game. There is however a more healthier community and some real people walking around helping out and talking ( sometimes ).


kopf2012 发表于 2012-5-25 13:16:32


piaojn 发表于 2012-5-25 13:36:00

不是我翻译的 是 谷歌翻译的。。。。翻译错了找谷先生吧~~
好吧,在过去几个星期,我一直在玩彩美的转口 - 释放,是由彩美丝路-R的Silkroad.Some变化如下



注:::我还没有达到70级,但我是一个比较随意的球员,所以这是我看来,新玩家1喜欢的看法 - 40。

为第70级的玩家可以去帮助每个镇人大初学者。这些人大将奖励每个显着的水平,例如武器和铠甲(求救级)的球员。 1级,8级,级别16等。等。在我看来这是在游戏中最有趣的变化,因为它使得它容易得多杀速度更快,效率和球员,而不是钱的令牌奖励。这些令牌可以用来购买更好的武器和铠甲(高官和SOSun级),进一步帮助繁琐的杀戮无尽的怪物。这些标记也可以用来购买其他方便的东西,像马theif猎人服装和更多。以黄金下降了IMO是一个很好的改变,因为目前有没有在金城镇垃圾邮件机器人,到目前为止,游戏确实有不少合法的球员(很好看)。

任务的EXP / SP明智的改善是相当不错的好^ _ ^而任务仍是那样枯燥一如既往杀300,340,从他们提供的进出口总值在某些情况下的麻烦。我个人认为,约在第10级,它是更容易走出去,只是杀了一个更快的东西,但过去30这些任务后都非常有用,超过一半的进出口水平(有时更多)给同时杀死任务怪物大部分时间带来了一个字符,然后交给任务奖励约50 - 60%。




wwww 发表于 2012-5-25 13:49:49


553033500 发表于 2012-5-25 14:35:20


spacetime 发表于 2012-5-25 16:46:33


忽兮若晦 发表于 2012-5-25 16:46:56


51226177 发表于 2012-5-25 16:48:48



tabhomel 发表于 2012-5-25 17:28:19


无酒 发表于 2012-5-25 17:46:48

只要还是垃圾代理 就不要太期待了!!!!!!!

举个栗子 发表于 2012-5-25 18:00:57


wasaibbs_2008 发表于 2012-5-25 21:39:33

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